Please choose the menu and date below

and send messages to us

Menu A

How to look beautiful in photos?

Do you have any experience that you look bad in precious photos? Do you want to know how to look beautiful when you take photos?

We use Japanese latest color analysis(Gradation Color Scale® by JPFCA) to find out your best matched color clothes that make you shine and beautiful.

DATE : Mon-Fri, Sun
From 10am-12am

Max of 3 person

PRICE : 500 HKD per person

Menu B

How to look -5KG??

Do you have any experiences that you look fatter when you wear clothes than actually you are?

We analyse your syle type and you will know how to make yourself look slimmer than before.

DATE : Mon-Fri, Sun
From 10am-12am

Max of 3 person

PRICE : 500 HKD per person

Menu C

Personal total consultation

If you want personal (one on one) consultation, this is the best menu for you.

DATE : Mon-Fri, Sun
From 10am-1pm