Do you have following experiences?

  • I bought a new cloth but it does not look good when I tried at home.
  •  My friend asked me "Are you tired?" or "Are you not feeling well?" even I'm not tired or I'm feeling good.
  • My wardrobe is full of cloths but nothing to wear for today.
  • I have lots of cloths that I haven't wore for more than 2 years...
  • I always looks serious impression but I want to look more friendly impression...

It's time to know yourself and to be what you want to be!!

The impression is caused from what you put on for outfit.
Is that outfit really suit you??

Now, check our courses to find out your true beauty!

Important 3 points to change your impression!


that match you!

If you want to know what colors match you, "Menu A : How to look beautiful in photos?" will be the best menu for you.
With this course, you will know what color make your face shine, look healthy and beautiful. If you don't know it, colors make your face dull, unhealthy, or older.
There are more and more good points to know the colors that match you.

Style types

that match you!

If you want to know what syle types match you, "Menu B : How to look -5KG??" will be the best menu for you.
With this course, you will know what is your body frame types and how can you syle up more. If you don't know it, you look fat or shorter legs...or even more unbalanced style.
You can be slimmer with outfit that you choose!

Design types

that match you!

If you want to know what design types match you, please choose Menu A or Menu B.
We introduce which design types match you in both menu!

Contact us know and let's change your impression!


Menu A : How to look beautiful in photos?

You will know what color type match you and you can bring out your original beauty by selecting best matched color clothes by yourself.

Menu B : How to look -5KG??

You will know the type of your body style and you can choose the clothes that best match your style type.

Menu C :

comming soon...

What is the Gradation Color Scale®︎?
It is the Japanese latest personal color analysis method by JPFCA.

Base drape

Base drape check which of base colors match your face: warm colors(Yellowish base colors), cool colors(Blueish bbase colors), or neutral colors(not Yellowish or not Blueish colors).

Saturation drape

Saturation drape check your face match vivid colors, dull colors, or pale colors.

Brightness drape

Brightness drape check your face match bright colors, dull colors, or dark colors.

and there are more drapes to check your best matched color types...